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Johnny Depp

Johnnys Lieblingsmusik / Favorite music

Johnnys Lieblingsalbum von Bob Dylan ist "Blood on the Tracks". Johnny beschreibt es so: "Die Zeile aus 'You're a Big Girl Now' - With a pain that stops and starts * Like a corkscrew to my heart * Ever since we've been apart - bringt mich jedes Mal um. Herzzerreißend. Der Mann Dylan ist unfähig, einen schlechten Moment zu haben.


Johnnys favourite album by Bob Dylan is "Blood on the Tracks". Johnny described it; "That line from ‘You’re a Big Girl Now’ - With a pain that stops and starts * Like a corkscrew to my heart * Ever since we’ve been apart - kills me every time. Heartbreaking. The man Dylan is incapable of a bad moment”

60. Geburtstag - Foto von Kyler Clark

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